About Company

Joint stock company «Kazakh-Russian-Kyrgyz joint venture with foreign investments “ZARECHNOYE” (the Company) defines the name, location, establishment procedure and competence of the Company bodies, conditions for reorganization, termination of the Company business and other regulations not contradicting with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The Company has been established in accordance with the Deed of Incorporation of the Company executed on the basis of the Resolution of the Founders (Minutes of Founders Meeting dated 23 August 2001).

Full and abbreviated name of the Company: 
          in State language:

• full name – «Шетелдік инвестициялармен Қазақстан-Ресей-Қырғыз бірлескен кәсіпорны «ЗАРЕЧНОЕ» акционерлік қоғамы;

• abbreviated name - АҚ «БК «ЗАРЕЧНОЕ»;

in Russian language:                                   

• full name - Акционерное общество «Казахстанско-Российско-Кыргызское совместное предприятие с иностранными инвестициями «ЗАРЕЧНОЕ»;

• abbreviated name - АО «СП «ЗАРЕЧНОЕ»;

in English language:

• full name  - Joint stock company «Kazakh-Russian-Kyrgyz joint venture with foreign investments «ZARECHNOYE»;

• abbreviated name – JSC «JV «ZARECHNOYE»;

in Kyrgyz language:

• full name - «ЗАРЕЧНОЕ» Акционердик кому «турундегу чет элдик
инвестициялоо менен иштеечу Казакстан-Россия-Кыргыз биргелешкен

• abbreviated name - «БИ «ЗАРЕЧНОЕ» АК.

Location of the Executive Body of the Company: 160712, Republic of Kazakhstan, South-Kazakhstan Region, Timur Rural District,  B.Momyshuly street bldg. 51.

The term of the Company business is unlimited.

The Company is a legal entity in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan acting in the legal form of joint-stock company and in its activities is governed by the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Joint-Stock Companies, other legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan (“the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan”) and this Articles of Association, as well as by the resolutions of the General Meeting of Shareholders and other bodies of the Company.

The Company has its own balance sheet, bank accounts and may acquire property and personal non-property rights, bear responsibility, and sue and be sued in any court.

The Company has the seal, letterheads with its name and other requisitions necessary for performance of its activities.

Financial and production activities of the Company performed on the basis of economic independence.

The Company is entitled to participate in Authorized Capital of other legal entities in the order established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and this Articles of Association.

In the order stipulated by the legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan the Company is entitled to establish branches (representative offices) located outside of the Company’s premises without incorporation of a legal entity, which may act on behalf of the Company on the basis of Regulations thereof.

In accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and this Articles of Association the Company exercises the rights of ownership, use and disposal of its assets.

The Company is the owner of the property transferred by the shareholders in payment of the Company’s shares, the assets (including the profit) generated through the course of its business activities, and the assets acquired through other arrangements, which do not contradict with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The Company owns the assets ringfenced from the assets of its shareholders and is not liable for their obligations. The Company is liable for its obligations to the extent of its assets. The State is not liable for the obligations of the Company, and the Company is not liable for the obligations of the State.

The shareholders of the Company are not liable for its obligations and bear the risk of losses associated with the Company activities to the extent of the value of their shares, except for the events stipulated by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.